One Bowl Chocolate Cake Recipe

on Monday, March 12, 2012

Here's an incredible from scratch chocolate cake recipe that you can mix together in only one bowl.
It's our 'go to' birthday cake recipe in this house and works well as a cake or cupcake. This makes
a wonderfully moist chocolate cake that will certainly become one of your favourites. I hope you enjoy the recipe!

One Bowl Chocolate Cake Recipe

1 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 cup cocoa
1 3/4 cup flour
1 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
3/4 teaspoon salt
1/2 cup vegetable oil or melted butter
1 1/2 cups milk
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla

Preheat oven to 350F. Mix all of your dry and wet ingredients together in a large bowl and beat for three minutes. Spoon into paper-lined muffin tins, or a greased 9" x 13" pan, or two greased 9" circular pans and bake for 30-35 minutes.

Top with your favourite icing. Yummy!

What is a Homemaker?

on Thursday, March 8, 2012

Let's face it. Being a homemaker is not the most revered career on earth. But let me tell you why it's one of the most important ones.

A home is more than just a house. It is welcoming, comforting and engaging all at once. It is a place where future generations are raised and where weary guests are welcomed. It is a place that I can build with my own hands and heart. It's a place where I can bless my friends and family and extend to them the love of God that I know so well.

But there needs to be someone who is actively working to make their house into such a home.

One of my favorite verses in the bible is found in Proverbs 14:1

The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish one tears it down with her own hands.

But the wise woman builds her house.

I am called to build my house and keep the home as one my main priorities. By what I do on a daily basis I can either bless or create stress for my family.

How is the Lord calling me to build my house? Well, for me personally, He has called me to make my home a retreat for my husband from the daily stress of work. He has called me to make my home welcoming and inviting for guests through hospitality. He has called me to make my home the best place for my children to be and grow.

But how does this really look?

1. Spending daily time in His word

Everyday learning more about our Saviour and Lord helps me to grow as a wife, mother and be a blessing to those in my church and neighbourhood. My house will serve the Lord.

2. Having a weekly routine

Practically assigning specific chores to certain days of the week allows me to systematically achieve the housework I need to get done. I also am able to spread it out throughout the week and keep the daily amount of time spent cleaning to a bare minimum. My home will have routine.

3. Working with what I have

Managing my time and budget keeps the stress at bay. No debt over our heads. No unreasonable amount of work to be done. Time spent reading and playing with kids. Life is good. My home will be well-managed.

4. Regularly hosting

This one is a tough one for
me as I am an introvert by nature. However, God is growing me in this area and providing me with opportunities to have more people over to our house. The meals are simple, the house isn't sparkling, but I hope everyone leaves refreshed. My home will be welcoming.

5. Regularly staying home

My husband and family need time when we are all together playing or watching a movie. Nights and days that are just our family and we can leave the world outside. We cherish these times and enjoy them even more when life gets a little busier than we would like. My home will be a haven.

7. Special times and places for me

Besides my daily devotions, I have time to myself when the children are sent to their rooms for quiet time and naps. I use this time to read a book, listen to a sermon, sew, knit, workout, etc. It's important that my home is a place of blessing for me as well. My home will be a home for me and not just a place of work.

8. Welcoming through words

My words have so much to do with building a home. My words can make my husband and children feel they belong here or that they are a nuisance and a trouble. I find giving kind words is one of the most difficult things for me to do during the wear and tear of a day with three young, ambitious and messy children. I struggle, but my words need to-have to-must strengthen my family. My home will build up others.

...but the foolish woman tears it down with her own hands.

Did you catch the second part of Proverbs 14:1? I can tear down my home with my own hands, that is my own actions.

It is something for us to prayerfully consider how we actively can destroy our homes. I know that I am regularly too impatient and I lack understanding and sympathy when it comes to my own children. There are days when I can see myself tearing down the walls of my home. I can be so ugly inside.

But there is grace.

And He will help us grow and mature.

He will help us build our homes, nurture our children and support our husbands. Being at home isn't glamorous, but it is building healthy future generations one day at a time.

At home, in my home.

on Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Let me tell you a little about my story and how I became a homemaker.

I graduated six years ago with a Bachelor of Education. The day I applied for my first job was the same day I found out that I was pregnant with our first child. The seven months that I was a teacher were wonderful, but I knew deep down that I really wanted to be at home.

Initially, I was not content to be a homemaker. I was embarrassed to mention to other professionals that I was simply a stay-at-home mom. I felt guilty for doing away with all of my expensive education. But these reasons didn't change the fact that I knew returning to full-time work would not make me happy.

With my husbands blessing, I am now at home for good. But it hasn't been easy. Even though I am at home, I work long, hard hours to make frugal meals, raise the children, maintain the home on a budget and do a million of other mundane tasks.

Over the years I have come to deeply appreciate my place at home, but there are times I feel alone. Many of my friends have chosen to work full-time and do not see the merit in staying at home with their little ones.

The internet has been a great source of inspiration and support for my life as a homemaker, so now I am joining the other homemaking bloggers to share with and build up other stay-at-home-moms!



Baking (1) Homemaking (2) Recipes (1)